Alberto Arlandi
is a graphic designer and web developer residing in Turin, Italy. Founder of Norma graphic design studio in 2018. AIAP member. He partecipated in 2015 to the XXI Triennale di Milano with the project Uniweb as part of the "New Craft" selection, in 2017 to AIAP Community and in 2023 to "Italy: a New Collective Landscape" at the ADI Design Museum in Milan with the project In 10 years of experience he has collaborated with numerous clients including Balestra and Pentagram London. Since 2016 he has been curating the Yamaha Black Boxes archive. A passionate advocate of simplicity, he has been invited several times to lecture on typography for the web at IAAD and the Polytechnic University of Turin.
This website is a website: it serves a function, doesn't make you seasick and downloads in 200 milliseconds.
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